Saving your workspace

Saving a workspace saves to an .ACT3D file. Perform this often enough to prevent data loss due to emergency circumstances. It is recommended to set your Save ACT3D options before opening your first file.

Save Options

SpinFire Ultimate offers different options to save with the ACT3D file. These can be found on the Options > Settings >3D Viewer page.


Save Act3D Option Description Notes
B-Rep Compression Sets the compression level of the B-Rep if included. Effects file size

Effect open file performance

Include B-Rep Saves B-Rep data in the ACT3D file. Effects file size

Effect open file performance

Tessellation Compression Compresses the tessellation data. Effects file size

Effect open file performance

3D Preview Saves a 3D preview file within the ACT3D file. Effects file size


To save a workspace,

  1. Click the Save button (or use the File > Save menu).
  2. Browse to the location to save the ACT3D file.
  3. Click Save.

NOTE: Saving only saves the active workspace. If multiple workspaces are open, then each must be saved separately.

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